I have developed a website using html5/bootstrap and one of the pages has a sample swf virtual tour. it's all ready to deploy apart from this final issue:
I have a .swf virtual tour that works fine on Google chrome etc. but obviously doesn't work on mobile devices because it is a flash based file.
What I need is a way to view this file maybe in an iframe etc. that will work on all mobile devices.
Any suggestions would be a real help.
It looks like your best option is to use a JS plugin like jQuery SWFObject
, and fall back to a message/alternate image if Flash is not installed on the device. Otherwise, an iFrame won't help you (doesn't change the fact that you need flash installed).
SWFObject Example: http://jquery.thewikies.com/swfobject/
Source: Display alternate content when Flash is not installed with jquery.swfobject