Is there any difference when I create in each thread new java.util.Random
object or use the ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(3);
From what I've read, ThreadLocalRandom
should be used instead of using the same instance of java.util.Random
for all threads. But what if I create a new instance for each thread?
When should I use java.util.Random
and when ThreadLocalRandom
if I need to generate random numbers in multiple threads?
If you create your own threads, like you do here, it makes no difference.
But if your code is called from different threads beyond your control, ThreadLocalRandom
is the correct one to use.
There is one difference that does matter though: for obvious reasons you can't set a seed for ThreadLocalRandom
. So if you want to have repeatable sequences, you need to create your own Random
instances. (But then if you're running multiple threads, having your RNGs seeded to the same value doesn't always guarantee repeatable behaviour anyway.)
I would personally use ThreadLocalRandom
in all cases where I don't need repeatable sequences.