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EclipseLink: Missing class for indicator field value of typ

My application runs on Payara and provides a REST API but when I try to create an object with a POST request I get the following exception:

Exception [EclipseLink-43] (Eclipse Persistence Services - 2.6.0.payara-p1): org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.DescriptorException
Exception Description: Missing class for indicator field value [Miss] of type [class java.lang.String].
Descriptor: XMLDescriptor(at.htl.handballinheritance.entity.Throw --> [DatabaseTable(event), DatabaseTable(dataObject)])
  at org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.DescriptorException.missingClassForIndicatorFieldValue(
  at org.eclipse.persistence.internal.oxm.QNameInheritancePolicy.classFromRow(

Full Stacktrace

On the contrary everything is fine and no errors occur when I am executing the program on Wildfly which uses Hibernate.


@Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceType.JOINED)
public abstract class Event extends DataObject implements Serializable {

public class Throw extends Event implements Serializable {

    private ThrowingType type;


public enum ThrowingType {
    Goal, Miss


public Response create(Throw entity) {
    return Response.created(URI.create("...")).build();

I think that Eclipselink has problems to unmarshal my json. Do I need any additional annotation?


  • Joined inheritance will by default use a 'type' field to determine the entity class to use, as does json/xml marshalling. You have a type field, but populated it with "Miss' which can't be converted to a class.

    See eclipselink/Moxy : inheritance and attribute name oveloading based on type for custom strategies or if you can change the JSON being posted.

    The type field within JPA is somewhat discussed here and here