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Splicing full list in constant time

I am attempting to splice (concatenate) two full std::lists in constant time. From reading the documentation and other questions (How to do range splice in constant time with std::forward_list?), I have two clarification questions:

  1. Is it possible to splice two std::lists in constant time and retain the full list of each?
  2. My understanding is that this functionality could be achieved by creating my own list data structure - and using a function similar to the following (pseudocode):

    List joinLists(List list1, List list2) {
      list1->tail = list2->head;
      list1->tail = list2->tail;
      return list1;

Is this true? If not, I would appreciate if someone can help me understand what's going on here. I feel like I'm missing something..

The code that I am working with is here:

 auto simple_sorter = [this, numCores](std::vector<std::vector<std::list<unsigned int>>>& buckets_small_, std::vector<std::list<unsigned int>>& buckets_large_, std::vector<bool>& finished_, unsigned int range_low, unsigned int range_high, int thread_number)
    //.. irrelevant

    //Combine small buckets into single large bucket per thread
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < numCores; ++i) {
        std::list<unsigned int> list1 = buckets_large_[thread_number];
        list1.splice(list1.end(), buckets_small_[i][thread_number]);


(Note: Boost/other libraries are not an option)


    1. Yes, and std::list::splice works this way (has O(1) complexity)(1):

    No elements are copied or moved, only the internal pointers of the list nodes are re-pointed.

    1. Assuming an abstract single-linked list, you would do

      list1->back->next = list2->front;
      list1->size += list2->size;

      For a double-linked list, you would also do

      list2->front->prev = list1->back;

      If you want to insert elements of list2 after nth element of list1, you will need to find that element, and do the same thing

      element->next = list2->front;        
      //for a double-linked list:
      list2->front->prev = element;

      In either case, no data is copied, you just swap pointers here and there.