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Checking permissions in Liferay Application Display Template

I'm developing an application display template (freemarker) for the sitemap portlet to render in my layout in the pages footer. So far everything works. I can iterate through my pages and render the correct result. Checks on whether a page is hidden work as well.

Now I need one more feature. I want to check whether a page is accessible by logged users only (= don't show a link to a guest user when the page permissions forbid guests to see the page).

Here is my ADT code.

<#if entries?has_content>
    <#list entries as entry>
        <#assign layoutURL = portalUtil.getLayoutURL(entry, themeDisplay)>

        <div class="grid3">
                <#if entry.isHidden() == false> 
                    <li><a href="${layoutURL}">${entry.getName(locale)}</a></li>

Maybe ${themeDisplay.getPermissionChecker()} can do the trick but I don't really have a clue on how to check for a users permissions on page. In a perfect world I can distinguish between different user groups but I'd settle for show when logged in, hide when anonymous (=guest).

I'm using Liferay 6.2. Anyone got an idea?


  • What you want to do is to check the view permission for a given page (Layout).

    Freemarker snippet:

    layoutPermission.contains(permissionChecker, entry.getPlid(), 'VIEW')

    layoutPermission is available for all ADT templates and references LayoutPermission interface. entry means the current Layout instance.

    I took the advice from this post on Liferay Forums.

    To simply find out, if the user logged in you can call ThemeDisplay#isSignedIn.

    Freemarker snippet:

    <#if themeDisplay.isSignedIn()>
        <#-- user is logged in -->
        <#-- user is guest -->