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How to JOIN table ON .. LIKE ... 'table.variable'

I have two tables and I am trying to JOIN them and use the LIKE function on mySQL.

My initial code was :

select A.column
from A
join B
  on (B.column) like ('%A.column%');

then I searched stackoverflow past answers and I found that my version was not wrong and at the same time I found this version which did not work either:

select A.column 
from A
join B 
  on B.column like '%'+ A.column +'%';

In the end I used this one :

select A.CPM , B.column , A.column 
from A
join B 
  on B.column like concat('%', A.column,'%');

and it worked. My question is why didn't the previous versions work? Is it because of mySQL version? From my research the syntax is correct in all 3 versions. The results on mySQL for the first two were blank though.


  • First: Won't work

    select A.column
    from A
    join B
      on (B.column) like ('%A.column%');


    This is just string literal, hardcoded value

    B.column LIKE '%A.column%'  

    Second: Won't work

    select A.column 
    from A
    join B 
      on B.column like '%'+ A.column +'%';


    + is not for string concatenation but for addition. Example:

    SELECT '%' + 'a' + '%' -- result 0, mysql tries to convert to numbers and compute sum.

    Third: Will work

    select A.CPM , B.column , A.column 
    from A
    join B 
      on B.column like concat('%', A.column,'%'); 


    You build last value at runtime using correct function CONCAT