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Revit API - Possible NewtonSoft.Json conflict

I'm trying to create an extension that goes to the cloud and retrieve data, simple request. It works flawless when using the Add-In Manager, but when I distribute to other users, there seems to be a conflict with the version of the NewtonSoft.Json I'm using (7.0.1) and the version I found in Revit Program Files (5.0.8).

Full error message is:

[Window Title] Command Failure for External Command

[Main Instruction] Revit could not complete the external command. Contact the provider for assistance. Information they provided to Revit about their identity: icubY.

[Expanded Information] Revit encountered a System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'Newtonsoft.Json, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=30ad4fe6b2a6aeed' or one of its dependencies.

This is a shared DLL that encapsulates all this comes and goes from the API to the APP (with security token, headers, cookies), so a separated version would be a real pain.

Do I really need to use the older version for this to work? Any other idea?


  • First, I will start with the Fuslogvw.exe tool to see what happens when your assembly is loaded.

    AddInManager use Assembly.LoadFile to load the addin, then hook into the AppDomain.CurrentDomain.AssemblyResolve event to resolve the dependencies. May be you can use the same technique to load your Newtonsoft.Json assembly.