I currently have a OSB project with a set of 21 modules that take roughly 4 minutes to build on my local 2 core/12GB ram laptop running Windows using no threading, just a simple build install. It takes 10-20 seconds per module.
When building this exact same project on my CI server running on Ubuntu, with 8 cores/16GB RAM build time is closer to 110 minutes, using around 4 minutes per module.
Some details on the Linux build:
I have tried increasing the file descriptor limit, thinking this was the problem. This did not do anything to the build time.
After profiling maven with VisualVM both on Windows and Linux I found that on Linux it spent abnormal amounts of time generating a random seed.
So by changing to (the slighty less secure) /dev/./urandom
build time went from 110 minutes down to 1minute 47seconds.
An example of how to do this is by passing in the setting as a flag:
If you would like to set this permanently, this can be done in the file jdk1.7.0_75/jre/lib/security/java.security
by changing:
This might bring some security implications of which you should do some research first if you need to do this.