bintrayUpload always try to publish my plugin to grails/plugins instead my repo danieltribeiro/plugins. And I got a 403 forbidden because of that.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':bintrayUpload'.
> Could not create package 'grails/plugins/my-plugin': HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden [message:forbidden]
I checked the answer here to a similar problem NullPointerExcpetion and tried all the solutions proposed without lucky. Including the Graeme Rocher Answer just changing the name and leaving userRepo in blank. But no matter what I do the task aways try to upload to grails.plugins repo.
My bintray plugin is 1.2
plugins {
id "io.spring.dependency-management" version "0.5.2.RELEASE"
id "com.jfrog.bintray" version "1.2"
I tried a lot of configs inside bintray closure on build.gradle following the Benoit tutorial. I created the plugins repo, configured env vars BINTRAY_USER and BINTRAY_KEY with correct values (otherwise it throwns a 401-Unauthorized)
Here is my last (not working) configuration.
version "0.1-SNAPSHOT"
group "danieltribeiro.plugins" // Or your own user/organization
bintray {
pkg {
userOrg = 'danieltribeiro' // If you want to publish to an organization
repo = 'plugins'
name = "${}"
//issueTrackerUrl = "$"
//vcsUrl = "$"
version {
attributes = ['grails-plugin': "${}:${}"]
name = project.version
Why this task continues to POST to grails.plugins?
Probally you are using:
apply from:''
It take the default bintray config.
Override this config or comment it and do manually:
bintray {
user = 'user'
key = '*****'
pkg {
userOrg = '' //
repo = 'nameRepo'
licenses = project.hasProperty('license') ? [project.license] :['Apache-2.0']
name = "$"
issueTrackerUrl = "yourGitHub"
vcsUrl = "yourGitHub"
version {
attributes = ['grails-plugin': "$$"]
name = project.version