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Sending Twilio SMS from a trial account

I am using Twilio and RestSharp packages from nuget to call Twilio using test credentials. I've verified my personal cell phone already. I tried using the phone number provided by Twilio as the from number, but I received error 21606 saying that I couldn't use a live number with test credentials. The error description provides another number that can be used with test credentials (+15005550006), so I released the live number and switched to using the one provided.

I can now get a successful response from the service, but the status of all messages I send comes back as queued. The response contains a Uri, but, if I visit the Uri, I get a 403:

    <Message>Resource not accessible with Test Account Credentials</Message>

Tracking through that code tells me that I can't connect to real phone numbers. So, my question is thus: How do I test the Twilio platform before committing any money to it? I've seen another question where an answerer has said that trial accounts can send SMS messages to verified numbers, and my Geographic Permissions allow me to send to a +1 number, which the verified number is. None of the messages I send ever making into my message log.

Any direction would be greatly appreciated. I'm trying to evaluate this to see if my company should use it, but the trial doesn't seem to be enough to give me any indication of usefulness.


  • Twilio developer evangelist here.

    If you still have a trial account (ie you haven't upgraded yet) then you can send real SMS messages to any number that you have verified with Twilio using your production credentials. It won't cost you anything until you upgrade your account.

    Test credentials are really there to ensure you can test against certain expected results, both success and more importantly failure cases.

    So, just use your real credentials and you will be able to send an SMS to your verified numbers.