I have a UDF that collects results of other functions and sends them to an web API which calculates and sends a response. e.g.
7 =CalcResult(E7, F7) =CalcResult(G7, H7) 234 =SendToAPI(A7,B7,C7)
8 =CalcResult(E8, F8) =CalcResult(G8, H8) 274 =SendToAPI(A8,B8,C8)
9 ... ... ... ...
What happens is that when you Run the SendtoAPI it Posts to the API twice one with 2 nulls and the value in c then the second with the correct data after the calcResult is finished.
Is there any way of ordering which gets called first?
Set the SendToAPI to run last?
UDFs are often calculated more than once in the calculation sequence when they are called with not-yet-calculated parameters. An un-calculated variant parameter appears to the UDF as an empty variant: so the solution is to exit the UDF without sending to the web api if any of the parameters are empty.
See my website page http://www.decisionmodels.com/calcsecretsj.htm for more details
And my blog post https://fastexcel.wordpress.com/2011/11/25/writing-efficient-vba-udfs-part-7-udfs-calculated-multiple-times/