I am moving my e4 rcp application( SWT + jface) to pure e(fx)clipse (JavaFX) and I want a splash screen in application with progress bar like eclipse do have.
Can anyone suggest what should i do?
I Checked this answer from tom but I didn't understand where I can load stage in e(fx)clipse application?
[Edit:1] As of now there is not Progress bar support for e(fx)clipse. And This helps to load splash with minimum efforts for novice.
[Edit:2] One more thing i have observed as mentioned in forum. Splash screen is visible at background to application.
First of all yes OSGi-Application built on e4-JavaFX don't implement the Application class themselves because this needs to be done as part of the OSGi-Lifecycle.
Once you accepted this situation you have multiple choices:
If you really want to discuss this stuff in depth than I suggest you post to our forum - https://www.eclipse.org/forums/index.php/f/259/