I'm trying to develop an interactive web application using GraphStream. The idea is to run a couple of community detection algorithms on graphs and visualize them. I wish to use D3.js as graph rendering framework and use GraphStream library in a java websocket server ( Tomcat ) that runs the algorithms. I wish to know if GraphStream already has websocket capabilities that could directly talk to client ( browser ) websocket endpoint. Suggestions for a more correct or feasbile architecture are also welcome.
Great idea. There is a WebSocket implementation that provides GraphStream's event model to the browser. It implements a network protocol, GS-NetStream.
The actual version is compatible with gs-core v1.3.
You can run the exemples from the test/
In the test folder, run these commands in that order:
npm install ws express
javac -cp path/to/gs-core-1.3.jar:. Test1.java
node Test1server.js
java -cp path/to/gs-core-1.3.jar Test1