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COM Server registration - Hide popup window

We use a com exposed server executable. In order for the exe to work properly we need to use this command.

This can be executed in command prompt or run.exe etc... [pathtofile]\filename.exe /regserver or [pathtofile]\filename.exe /unregserver

After this you get a messagebox. 'Component successfully registered'

The issue is that this blocks our InstallShield and it requires a manuel ok click for the installer to proceed. This behaviour we don't want for silent installs.

Does anyone know an idea how to supress this popups? I know this can be done for the com registration of dll's by regsvr32. However for com exe's I could not find anything that suppresses it. Registering it with RegSvr32 is not an option here as this will not work for our exe.

Thanks for the help!

Kind regards



  • I found out that the exe I use is regged by the exe itself... . Therefore it is unpossible to silence it etc. It is sometimes possible but it has to be build in by the compiler that creates the exe.

    I made this vbscript do add to my IS project as a custom action and works fine.

    Set oShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
    oShell.CurrentDirectory = "[YOURAPPINSTALLDIR]"
    'You can check here if the exe exits or not to execute to code below  - not implemented in this example
    oShell.Run "[YOURAPP].exe /regserver", 0, False
    Set oShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
    While oShell.AppActivate("[YOUR WINDOW TITLE]") = False
      'WScript.Sleep 100 (does not work in IS)
    oShell.SendKeys "{ENTER}"