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Returning full duplicate rows using Laravel's query builder

I am looking to return the full information on duplicate records from my table.

I am currently using the following:

                ->havingRaw('COUNT(*) > 1')

Which is great, it returns the duplicate records, however, this only returns one of the records I need to return all the duplicates so that I can greet the user with a choice on which one to delete or keep.

How can I modify the above query to accomplish that?


  • Joining against the same table will allow you to retrieve the duplicate records without just getting a single version of it (caused by your groupBy in your question)

    $entity['columns'] = ['username', 'surname'];
    $groupBy = implode(',', $entity['columns']);
    $subQuery = DB::table('list')
        ->havingRaw('(count(id) > 1))');
    $result = DB::table('list')
            DB::raw("({$subQuery->toSql()}) dup"), function($join) use ($entity) {
                foreach ($entity['columns'] as $column) {
                    $join->on('list.'.$column, '=', 'dup.'.$column);
        // or ->get(); obviously