I want to send success message by IEventBroker
and listen it from another class. I could not handle the message from listener function. What can be its cause?
I sent the message by this line :
eventBroker.post(IBackupRestoreEventConstants.TOPIC_BACKUP_SUCCESS, new Date());
I want to handle in this function:
public void whenBackupSuccess(@UIEventTopic(IBackupRestoreEventConstants.TOPIC_BACKUP_SUCCESS) long timeStamp) {
MessageDialog.openInformation(shell, "Information", "Backup operation completed successfully");
You are posting an event with a Date
value but you are using long
as the argument in whenBackupSuccess
, the event broker will not do this conversion for you. Since the method is @Optional
it will just be ignored.
Use Date
in whenBackupSuccess
public void whenBackupSuccess(@UIEventTopic(IBackupRestoreEventConstants.TOPIC_BACKUP_SUCCESS) Date timeStamp)