I try to export my Oracle view data to Excel sheet using Oracle Data Integrator. English text is exported good, but russian (cyrillic) is wrong! Help me please, how can I configure datasources and encoding. After export to excel data has cp1252 encoding, but there is no place where such encoding is configured!
Information: Oracle DS use jdbc:oracle:thin and
(in windows registry and environment variables(same to database). ODI starting with product.conf:
AddVMOption -Dfile.encoding=Cp1251
AddVMOption -Dsun.jnu.encoding=Cp1251
AddVMOption -Duser.language=ru
AddVMOption -Duser.country=RU
(and I see such values in Help-About-Properties.
Excel DS use jdbc:odbc and
property. Oracle 12c, ODI 12c.
If I execute simple java code with
option - russian language displays correct, but not over ODI...
I would be glad any advice!
I want to answer my own question. May be it is obviously for anyone, but I found solution not fast...
I need to change Windows property Current language for non-unicode programs. from English to Russian.
So I even not need "AddVMOption -Dfile.encoding=Cp1251" options in ODI - they are set correct after changing property.