I am brand new to LibGdx (3 days of experiance on me... so im eh) And I got Nextpeer about 3 hours ago and I can't to anything without 100 errors. The documentation is leaving out details (I think) and i can't figure out what to do...
I have non of Nextpeer setup code wise, everything is loaded into my Eclipse IDE.
So... What am I asking about?
Well, before I ask, let me tell you my situation.
LibGdx Flow: Main.java -> MainMenuScreen.java -> (NextPeer Menu?) -> Game.java
I have tried running the NextParse.Init in the main class but I an error saying I need to configure my build path. ? what ? Maybe I sound nooby, so there is problem number 1. Alright... So now lets say I did initialize my software somehow... https://nextpeer.atlassian.net/wiki/display/NS/libGDX says to use this constructor
public SuperJumper(Tournaments tournaments) {
// If we have a supported tournaments object, set the game as callback
if (tournaments != null && tournaments.isSupported()) {
// Load Nextpeer plugin with the tournaments instance
So I use the constructor but I then get the error on
IDE Error Warning thing: The method setTournamentsCallback(TournamentsCallback) in the type Tournaments is not applicable for the arguments (GameScreen)
Do I know what I am doing... not really w/ NextPeer.
Please attempt to help me w/ the problems above, or explain some concepts to me. Thank you!
According to the wiki:
Next, we'll have the Game subclass conform to the TournamentsCallback.java interface.
Let SuperJumper implement TournamentsCallback interface and then the code above should work.