I am trying to figure out how to continue a code even after an exception is caught. Imagine that I have a text file filled with numbers. I want my program to read all those numbers. Now, lets say there is a letter mixed in there, is it possible for the exception to be caught, and then the code continues the loop? Would I need the Try and catches within a do-while loop? Please provide me with your ideas, I'd greatly appreciate it. I have provided my code just in case:
NewClass newInput = new NewClass();
infile2 = new File("GironEvent.dat");
try(Scanner fin = new Scanner (infile2)){
/** defines new variable linked to .dat file */
/** inputs first string in line of file to variable inType */
inType2 = fin.next().charAt(0);
/** inputs first int in line of file to variable inAmount */
inAmount2 = fin.nextDouble();
/** calls instance method with two parameters */
newInput.donations(inType2, inAmount2);
/** count ticket increases */
catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
/** prints out error if exception is caught*/
System.out.println("Just caught an illegal argument exception. ");
catch (FileNotFoundException e){
/** Outputs error if file cannot be opened. */
System.out.println("Failed to open file " + infile2 );
Declare your try-catch block inside your loop, so that loop can continue in case of exception.
In your code, Scanner.nextDouble
will throw InputMismatchException
if the next token cannot be translated into a valid double value. That is that exception you would want to catch inside your loop.