I am using the coefplot
package in Stata to plot how a coefficient changes depending on the model employed. In particular, I want to see how the coefficient of interest changes over time. I am plotting it vertically, so the x-axis could show the year to which each coefficient refers to. However, I am not able to label the x-axis accordingly (instead of showing the name of the variable I am interested, x1
, it should state 1, 2 and 3. I would also like to omit the legend by using the option legend(off)
but that does not work.
This is the code I am using:
reg y x1 x2 if year==1;
estimates store t1;
reg y x1 x2 if year==2;
estimates store t2;
reg y x1 x2 if year==3;
estimates store t3;
coefplot t1 t2 t3, drop(x2) vertical yline(0);
Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated.
A nonsensical example that uses two categories (and not time) can be easily adapted:
set more off
sysuse auto
reg price weight rep78 if foreign
estimates store foreign
reg price weight rep78 if !foreign
estimates store not_foreign
matrix at = (1 / 2)
coefplot foreign || not_foreign, drop(rep78 _cons) vertical bycoefs
You can build the syntax within a loop, using a local
. Then feed it to coefplot
. To be precise, I mean something like the exemplary syntax:
year1 || year2 || ... || yearn
The final command would look something like:
coefplot `allyears', drop(<some_stuff>) vertical bycoefs
A complete example that does involves time:
set more off
use http://www.stata-press.com/data/r12/nlswork.dta
forvalues i = 70/73 {
regress ln_w grade age if year == `i'
estimates store year`i'
local allyears `allyears' year`i' ||
local labels `labels' `i'
// check
display "`allyears'"
display `"`labels'"'
coefplot `allyears', keep(grade) vertical bycoefs bylabels(`labels')
If coefplot
doesn't turn out to be flexible enough, you can always try with statsby
and graph
commands (help graph