I found answers alluding to this question but most of them seemed to be based on jQuery. As an exercise I am building a image slider app in jQuery and then Javascript. I want to understand what jQuery is doing under the hood, and be able to make the decision to use it or not based on the project.
My problem is this: when I click the next button, I want the gallery to slide to the left, and prevImg will be removed, currentImg will become next and so forth. I will then add a li element with the appropriate class nextImg and the image.
Everything is working fine, but the line of code nextImg.appendChild(next_ImgPath)
is not appending an image.
function slideAnimSetting(direction) {
if (direction == 1) {
for (var i = 0; i < innerListEl.length; i++) {
leftPosition = innerListEl[i].offsetLeft;
topPosition = innerListEl[i].offsetTop;
Tween.to(innerListEl[i], 1, {left: leftPosition-700});
}; // end for
currentImg.className = 'prevImg';
nextImg.className = 'currentImg';
listEle = document.createElement('li');
listEle.className = 'nextImg';
for (var i = 0; i < innerUlEl.length; i++) {
}; //end for
nextImg = document.getElementsByClassName('next-img');
nextImg = nextImg[0];
}; // end slideAnimSetting
The console.log is telling me that nextImg is undefined.
You gave it a className of nextImg
, but you're searching for next-img