I'm using JQuery validation and I have some custom logic inside showErrors for displaying errors.
var form = $('#container').find('#form1');
form.data('validator', null); //doing this so that newly added DOM elements are picked up.
showErrors: function (errorMap, errorList) {
This works absolutely fine. But the validator defaults are being set for all the forms on my page which I don't want. I'm interested just in setting the defaults for just form1
Also for some reason the below does not work for me.So I had to go with the above code and set the showErrors through $.validator.setDefaults.
showErrors: function (errorMap, errorList) {
Any ideas on how to set the default showErrors for a single form on my page?
I'm answering my own question. Hope this helps someone running into a similar issue.
Setting :
form.data("validator").settings.showErrors = "..."
did the trick for me.