i have implemented an eclipse plug-in that runs very well in the test workbench, Eclipse IDE for PHP
Developers and Eclipse IDE for Java
Developers but doesn't work in Eclipse CDT. There is no error messages, so i dont't know, why.
My plug-in adds a popup menu entry and executes an action. I notices the plug-in stops after this line:
IFile file = (IFile) ((IStructuredSelection) wbw.getSelectionService().getSelection()).getFirstElement();
All IDEs run on kubuntu 14.04.
The selection returned by the selection service is often a user interface object rather than an IFile
. You need to use the IAdapterManager
to adapt this object to a file.
Object selected = ((IStructuredSelection) wbw.getSelectionService().getSelection()).getFirstElement();
IAdapterManager manager = Platform.getAdapterManager();
IFile file = (IFile)manager.getAdapter(selected, IFile.class);