Hey guys! I'm a old programmer who hasn't programmed for about three years, and just starting Java at my university (class has been going for two weeks now.)
I made a blackjack program and I was wondering if there was any ways to cut down the code in the Blackjack class, not sure if it's just me but it seems long and messy. I program pretty sloppy, putting in values when needed and hack away at it. I was hoping I could get your suggestions and changes so I could use them in my program and for future study in school :)
Note: also its a hard hit, not soft, so slightly less chance for player.
Thank you!
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Run
// instance variables - replace the example below with your own
public static void main (String[] args)
} catch(Exception e) {}
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.Objects;
public class Blackjack
public static void blackjack () throws InterruptedException
// Thread.sleep(x);
// Total seconds to sleep = x/1000
// Variables
String[] deck = Deck.generateDeck();
String[] player = new String[6];
String[] dealer = new String[6];
int money = 0, bet = 0, deckNumber = 0, handNumber = 0, stay = 0, cardTotal = 0, i = 0, totalValue = 0, totalValueAce = 0;
boolean win = false, lose = false, quit = false, play = false, betTrue = false, blackJack = false;
String enter = "";
// Scanner
Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.println("///// Blackjack //////");
System.out.print("Enter starting money: $");
money = input.nextInt();
System.out.println("Current cash amount: $" + money);
while (quit == false)
while (quit == false && play == false)
System.out.print("Would you like to play? (yes/no): ");
player[0] = input.next();
if (Objects.equals(player[0], "yes"))
play = true;
else if (Objects.equals(player[0], "no"))
quit = true;
System.out.println("Error enter either yes/no!");
while (betTrue == false && quit == false)
System.out.print("Enter bet amount: $");
bet = input.nextInt();
if (bet > money)
System.out.println("Error, you entered more money than you had!\n");
else if (bet < 0)
System.out.println("You can't bet negative dollars silly!\n");
betTrue = true;
System.out.println("Good luck!\n");
betTrue = false;
// Deal format:
// Deck.deal(cardPlace to deal, player cardHand#, certain deck, player name);
// Randomize Cards in Deck
// Total cards in player hand, used in loop
cardTotal = 2;
// Next hand number, used in equation
handNumber = 2;
// Tells to deal the fourth card of deck next
deckNumber = 4;
// Player Turn Loop
while (stay == 0 && lose == false && win == false && quit == false)
System.out.print("You've gotten the cards: ");
i = (cardTotal - 1);
while (i > -1)
if (i > 1)
System.out.print(", ");
else if (i > 0)
if (handNumber > 3)
System.out.print(" and ");
if (((Deck.checkValue(player[0]) == -1)) && ((Deck.checkValue(player[1])) == 10) || ((Deck.checkValue(player[1]) == -1)) && ((Deck.checkValue(player[0])) == 10))
win = true;
blackJack = true;
i = cardTotal;
totalValue = 0;
totalValueAce = 0;
while (i>0)
if (Deck.checkValue(player[i]) == -1)
totalValueAce = totalValue + 1;
totalValue += 11;
if (totalValueAce != 0)
if (totalValue == 21 || totalValueAce == 21)
else if (totalValueAce == 0 && totalValue > 21)
lose = true;
else if (totalValueAce > 21)
lose = true;
else if (handNumber == 5)
lose = true;
if (totalValue > 21 && totalValueAce != 0)
totalValue = totalValueAce;
totalValueAce = 0;
if (totalValueAce == 0)
System.out.println("You have the total value: " + totalValue);
System.out.println("You have total value of either " + totalValue + " or " + totalValueAce);
if (lose == false && win == false)
System.out.println("\nDealer has face up card: " + dealer[0]);
System.out.println("Would you like to hit or stay?");
enter = input.next();
if (Objects.equals(enter, "hit"))
else if (Objects.equals(enter, "stay"))
stay = 1;
System.out.println("Invalid value!\n");
stay = 0;
cardTotal = 2;
handNumber = 2;
int totalValueDealer = 0;
int totalValueDealerAce = 0;
// Dealer Turn Loop
while (stay == 0 && lose == false && win == false && quit == false && (totalValueDealer < totalValue ||
totalValueDealerAce < totalValueAce || totalValueDealer < totalValueAce || totalValueDealerAce < totalValue))
System.out.print("Dealer has the cards: ");
i = (cardTotal - 1);
while (i > -1)
if (i > 1)
System.out.print(", ");
else if (i > 0)
if (handNumber == 3)
else if (handNumber > 3)
System.out.print(" and ");
if (((Deck.checkValue(dealer[0]) == -1)) && ((Deck.checkValue(dealer[1])) == 10))
System.out.println("You lose");
totalValueDealer = 0;
totalValueDealerAce = 0;
i = cardTotal;
while (i>0)
if (Deck.checkValue(dealer[i]) == -1)
totalValueDealerAce = totalValueDealer + 1;
totalValueDealer += 11;
if (totalValueDealerAce != 0)
if (totalValueDealer > 21 && totalValueAce != 0)
totalValueDealer = totalValueDealerAce;
totalValueDealerAce = 0;
if (totalValueDealer == 21 || totalValueDealerAce == 21)
else if (totalValueDealerAce == 0 && totalValueDealer > 21)
win = true;
else if (totalValueDealerAce > 21)
win = true;
else if (handNumber == 5)
lose = true;
if (totalValueDealerAce == 0)
System.out.println("Dealer has the total value: " + totalValueDealer);
System.out.println("Dealer has total value of either " + totalValueDealer + " or " + totalValueDealerAce);
if (totalValueDealer < 17 || (totalValueDealerAce != 0 && totalValueDealerAce < 17))
stay = 1;
if (play == true)
if (win == true && lose == false)
System.out.println("You win!\n");
if (blackJack == true)
System.out.println("BLACK JACK!!! Amount won: " + (bet * 1.5));
money += (bet * 1.5);
money += bet;
else if ((totalValueDealer == totalValue && totalValue > totalValueDealerAce || totalValueDealer == totalValueAce && totalValueAce != 0))
System.out.println("It's a tie!\n");
else if ((totalValueDealer > totalValue && totalValueDealer > totalValueAce && totalValueDealer < 22) || (totalValueDealerAce > totalValue && totalValueDealerAce > totalValueAce) || lose == true)
System.out.println("You lose!\n");
money -= bet;
System.out.println("You win!\n");
if (blackJack == true)
System.out.println("BLACK JACK!!! Amount won: " + (bet * 1.5));
money += (bet * 1.5);
money += bet;
blackJack = false;
play = false;
lose = false;
win = false;
stay = 0;
if (money < 1)
quit = true;
System.out.println("You've lost all your money!");
System.out.println("Current cash amount: $" + money);
/* Print Deck
for (int i=0;i<52;i++)
(not changing, but if you need for functionality check here)
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Objects;
public class Deck
// Generate Deck
// Description: Used to generate an array with a length of 52 that holds each card of a deck of cards.
// Tip: To use in program, set a string array equal to this method.
public static String[] generateDeck()
// Variables
int i = 0;
// Initialize deck
String[] deck = new String[52];
deck[0] = "Ace of spades";
for (i=1; i<12; i++)
deck[i] = Integer.toString(i + 1) + " of spades";
deck[10] = "Jack of spades";
deck[11] = "Queen of spades";
deck[12] = "King of spades";
deck[13] = "Ace of hearts";
for (i=1; i<12; i++)
deck[(i + 13)] = Integer.toString(i + 1) + " of hearts";
deck [23] = "Jack of hearts";
deck [24] = "Queen of hearts";
deck [25] = "King of hearts";
deck [26] = "Ace of clubs";
for (i=1; i<12; i++)
deck[(i + 26)] = Integer.toString(i + 1) + " of clubs";
deck [36] = "Jack of clubs";
deck [37] = "Queen of clubs";
deck [38] = "King of clubs";
deck [39] = "Ace of diamonds";
for (i=1; i<12; i++)
deck[(i + 39)] = Integer.toString(i + 1) + " of diamonds";
deck [49] = "Jack of diamonds";
deck [50] = "Queen of diamonds";
deck [51] = "King of diamonds";
return deck;
// Shuffle one card of the deck with another
// Description: Not much use, but it helps to see how one might swap two random cards with each other.
public static void oneCardShuffle(String[] deck)
Random randomGenerator = new Random();
// Generates number from 0 to 51
int cardFirst = randomGenerator.nextInt(52);
int cardSecond = randomGenerator.nextInt(52);
// Swap
String card = deck[cardSecond];
deck[cardSecond] = deck[cardFirst];
deck[cardFirst] = card;
// The standard riffle shuffle
// Description: It cuts the deck into two pieces and lays on card on top of other.
// Tip: To use in program, simply call the method with the deck you generated earlier.
// WARNING: If you riffleShuffle enough, it will go back to the order it started out in. To fix, use the "totalRandom" method.
public static void riffleShuffle(String[] deck)
String[] cutOne = new String[26];
String[] cutTwo = new String[26];
for (int i=0;i<26;i++)
cutOne[i] = deck[i];
for (int i=0;i<26;i++)
cutTwo[i] = deck[i+26];
for (int i=0;i<26;i++)
deck[2*i] = cutOne[i];
deck[2*i + 1] = cutTwo[i];
// Shuffle from top to bottom
// Description: Takes the top card of deck and bottom card and swaps them, moving down to the center of the deck.
public static void topBottomShuffle(String[] deck)
for (int i=0;i<26;i+=1)
String card = deck[51 - i];
deck [51 - i] = deck[i];
deck [i] = card;
// Cut
// Description: Cuts the deck through the middle
// Tip: Just use if there is a specific need for you to cut your deck, otherwise pointless.
public static void cut(String[] deck)
String[] cut = new String[26];
for (int i=0;i<26;i++)
cut[i] = deck[i];
for (int i=0;i<26;i++)
deck[i] = deck[i+26];
for (int i=1;i<27;i++)
deck[i+25] = cut[i - 1];
// Random Shuffle
// Description: Like the oneCardShuffle except repeated a certain number of times
// Tip: Use this method to shuffle, may not be the fastest (not noticeable however), but it makes your deck totally randomized.
public static void totalRandom(String[] deck, int times)
// Random Initialize
Random randomGenerator = new Random();
// Variables
int cardFirst = 0;
int cardSecond = 0;
// Swap
for (int i=0;i<times;i++)
// Generates number from 0 to 51
cardFirst = randomGenerator.nextInt(52);
cardSecond = randomGenerator.nextInt(52);
String card = deck[cardSecond];
deck[cardSecond] = deck[cardFirst];
deck[cardFirst] = card;
// Deal
// Description: Function which deals a certain object which is holding cards a card out of the deck.
public static void deal(int cardPlace, int handNumber, String[] deck, String[] holder)
holder[handNumber] = deck[cardPlace];
// Check Value of Card
// Description: This checks the value of the card, and turns it from a string into an integer. Aces come back as -1, so if you need to you can read as 1 or 11.
// Every other card will either be the number or if it is a face card, 10.
// Tip: Use if you need to value cards and have a face card or ace equal 1 || 10 || 11.
public static int checkValue(String card)
String[] name = card.split(" ");
if (Objects.equals(name[0], "Jack") || (Objects.equals(name[0], "Queen"))
|| (Objects.equals(name[0], "King")))
return 10;
else if (Objects.equals(name[0], "Ace"))
return -1;
return Integer.parseInt(name[0]);
// Check the value order
// Description: Used to check the order in which cards should lay if they are one after another
public static int checkValueOrder(String card)
String[] name = card.split(" ");
case "Jack":
return 11;
case "Queen":
return 12;
case "King":
return 13;
case "Ace":
return 1;
return Integer.parseInt(name[0]);
// Check Suit of Card
// Description: This checks the suit of a cartain card in your deck, or in other words it cuts off the first part of the card, and only returns the suit.
// Tip: Use if you need to check for card combinations which require same suit.
public static String checkSuit(String card)
String[] name = card.split(" ");
return name[2];
// Sorts cards from smallest to greatest
// Description: Use if you need to know the NUMBERED order of cards.
// Tip: Can be used with any size string of cards.
public static void sortCards (String[] card)
String sortingCard = "";
int sortingCount = 0;
int cardsTotal = card.length;
sortingCount = 0;
for (int i = 0; i<cardsTotal-1; i++)
if (checkValueOrder(card[i]) > checkValueOrder(card[i+1]))
sortingCard = card[i+1];
card[i+1] = card[i];
card[i] = sortingCard;
} while (sortingCount != cardsTotal-1);
Below are the few observations that i have made this would also enhance you to use many inbuilt java API's