does anyone knows how to use the blackberry JDE API to create a screen slide animation similar to Featured Items screen in the Blackberry App World? I am aware that in blackberry 5.0, there are some transition apis to perform that. But I am looking to do it for version 4.6 OS. It has the nice scrolling effect using the scrolling ball in blackberry bold.
As an alternative to the screenshot/Bitmap approach...
In the paint method of your screen you can use Graphics.pushContext(..) to push a clipping region and drawing offset. For best results, you'll want to do the transition in a runnable, and synchronize on the event lock. This will ensure that your screen can be dismissed in the middle of a transition.
Rough example:
class TransitionScreen extends Screen {
private int transitionOffset;
private boolean isTransitionHorizontal;
private ScreenTransition currentTransition;
public TransitionScreen(boolean isTransitionHorizontal) {
this.isTransitionHorizontal = isTransitionHorizontal;
transitionOffset = getTransitionMaximum(); // So the screen starts offset
protected void paint(Graphics graphics) {
// use transitionOffset as x or y depending on isTransitionHorizontal
protected void onExposed() {
protected void onObscured() {
int target = getTransitionMaximum();
private int getTransitionMaximum() {
return isTransitionHorizontal ? Display.getWidth() : Display.getHeight();
private void transitionToOffset(int target) {
if (currentTransition != null) {
currentTransition = new ScreenTransition(target);
class ScreenTransition implements Runnable {
private boolean animating;
private int target;
public ScreenTransitionUpdater(int target) { = target;
public void stop() {
animating = false;
public void run() {
while(animating) {
Object eventLock = getApplication().getEventLock();
synchronized(eventLock) {
// Interpolate myOffset to target
// Set animating = false if myOffset = target
No need to mark animating as volatile as it is ignored on this platform.