I have two separate pages I am trying to add a background color to whilst using Iron Router, so the html has no tags to use.
I see that Router.onBeforeAction(function() {
}); exists and that seems to be the way to do this.
So any thoughts on how to add the CSS styling would be greatly thanks.
layoutTemplate: 'layout'
this.route('Main', {path: '/', data: {title: 'Contacts Admin'}, name: 'mainlanding'});
this.route('Contact', {path: '/Contact', data: {title: 'Contacts List'}, name: 'contactlanding'});
Something like this in your route:
onAfterAction: function(){
$('.mySpecialClass').remove('mySpecialClass'); // undo what was done before
$('body').addClass('mySpecialClass'); // add a class
.mySpecialClass {
background-color: "red";