I was learning a bit of Angular + Springboot and now it's time to learn how to build all that stuff :)
I've found some quite good tools such as Gulp + Gradle, but I'm not sure how I configure all that together. On Gulp I'll use some tasks such as sass, minify. I also want to use karma (which I assume I would configure with gulp instead of running it separately). Gradle
is for building the springboot and Java backend for REST api
How should I configure all that together?
I thought it would be something like configuring Gradle
to run Gulp first, and then build the java part. Is that right ? What is the best approach?
And besides of that, how to run it in Development time? one thing I liked in Gulp and Springboot
is that both give the ability to edit + visualize the static content in real time, so it's quite good for building the angular part.. So with that, would I use gulp
or the gradle
task bootRun
(I would have to change configure it differently as I'm using gulp-browserify). If I use gulp, I would have to build the java part separately, and it would have to be running in other port so I would have to configure CORS on angular..
Can anyone shed some light ?
Thanks in advance!
You can use maven-frontend-plugin. see JHipster. https://jhipster.github.io/