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Eclipse CDT toolchain clean error in windows (wrong path seperator)

I've installed eclipse + CDT for windows, loaded my project, everything builds fine.

Now I want to clean the project and rebuild my project, but it looks like eclipse (or the toolchain) is doing it all wrong.
The command it's trying to invoke is:

del  ./myClass.o  ./myClass.d  ../../MyProject

With this error:

Parameter format not correct - "myClass.o".

This is because del is a windows command and parameters are passed with / in windows.

So, how can i change the toolchain/eclipse to use a windows \ path delimiter or just fix that some other way?

I just want to be able to clean the project.

My toolchain is Android arm-linux-androideabi-4.8
Eclipse Mars.1 (4.5.1) with CDT 8.8.0


  • Turns out there's an attribute in the .cproject file xml the controls the clean command.

    Look for the configuration tag, and set the cleanCommand attribute to what you want. I've set it to rm -rf and used gnuutils to support the command on windows.

    <configuration artifactExtension="so" artifactName="MyProject" ... cleanCommand="rm -rf" ...>