I'm trying display data from an array in a select using ng-options and I want filter it which is not working. I don't want to show object having billHeadShortForm=FEC & FDG
Here is my HTML
<select class="form-control" ng-init="getBillHeadCurrentProjWise()" ng-model="headID" ng-options="h.billHeadID as h.billHead for h in billHeadsProjWise | filter:h.billHeadShortForm!='FEC' | h.billHeadShortForm!='FDG'">
<option value="">--Select Billing Head--</option>
Adjust the filter part of the ng-options
to the following:
ng-options="... | filter: {billHeadShortForm: '!FEC'} | filter: {billHeadShortForm: '!FDG'}"
See fiddle
Although, you might want to read filter documentation, and write a function to avoid piping two filters.
The function could be something like that:
$scope.filterBillHead = function (billHead) {
// Exclude 'FEC' and 'FDG'
// return true if billHeadShortForm is not in the array, false otherwise
return ['FEC', 'FDG'].indexOf(billHead.billHeadShortForm) < 0;
ng-options="... | filter: filterBillHead"
See updated fiddle