We are using JBoss Fuse 6.2 (in Docker, but it's outscoped here). We are creating a container with the command:
bin/admin create $containername
We have two scenarios: We start container with the command:
/bin/admin start $containername
This way, activemq is not activated at all.
The other scenario is starting the container without parameters:
This way, the container will activate ActiveMq. Please help me understand the behavior: the same created container will activate ActiveMQ if started with bin/start, but won't activate if started with bin/admin/start $containername?
Side question: when creating a container with bin/admin/create, is activemq installed by default or not?
Thanks in advance.
By using bin/start
you create a standalone Fuse container with things like Camel and ActiveMQ installed.
Using bin/admin start <name>
you create a new empty Karaf container that you'll need to provision yourself.
Solution: only use bin/start