I have a DFP creative template that needs to work both on old and new site. So on the new site (which has its own advertisement component js), I'd like to add a classname "redesign" on the DFP iframe. How do I do it properly?
In conclusion, I'd like to have same creative template on DFP with extra classname for new site.
Solved it by using the plugin => https://github.com/mcountis/dfp-events
So on redesign ad.js component, I add a new classname "redesign".
window.googletag.cmd.push(function() { window.googletag.on('gpt-slot_rendered', function(e,level,message,service,slot) { var slotId = slot.getSlotId(); var $slot = $('#' + slotId.getDomId()); // DFP adds two iframes, one for calling scripts and one for displaying the ad. we want the one that is not hidden if ($slot.find('iframe:not([id*=hidden])') .map(function() { return this.contentWindow.document; }) .find('body') .children().length > 0 ) { $slot.find('iframe').contents().find('body').addClass('redesign'); } }); });