I get this error but I have no idea where I could have went wrong here are the three functions below... I just really don't understand what is missing
void InitBullet(Bullet bullet[], int size) //init bullet
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
bullet[i].ID = BULLET; //ID
bullet[i].speed = 10; //bullet speed (10)
bullet[i].live = false; //bullet isnt live it hasnt been fired
void drawBullet(Bullet bullet[], int size) //drawing bullet to screen
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
if (bullet[i].live) //if bullet is live
al_draw_filled_circle(bullet[i].x, bullet[i].y, 2, al_map_rgb(255, 0, 0)); //red circle primitives for bullets
void fireBullet(Bullet bullet[], int size, submarine &sub) //
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) //looking for deadbullets
if (!bullet[i].live)
bullet[i].x = sub.x + 17; // 17 looks the best
bullet[i].y = sub.y;
bullet[i].live = true; // turning the bullet on
break; //only one at a time
The last bracket is the wrong way around.