The common cartesian product can be implemented as:
fun cartesian(xs, ys) =
let fun pairOne(x,[]) = []
| pairOne(x, y::ys) = [x,y]::pairOne(x,ys)
fun cart([],ys) = []
| cart(x::xs, ys) = pairOne(x, ys) @ cart(xs,ys)
I'm looking for a way to generate the cartesian power of grade k.
For k=2, this would output:
And for k=3:
The following seems to work:
fun product [] _ = []
| product (x::xs) products = (map (fn p => x::p) products) @ product xs products
fun power _ 0 = []
| power xs 1 = map (fn x => [x]) xs
| power xs n = product xs (power xs (n-1))
The first function forms a Cartesian product of a list and another list which is itself already a list of lists. For example,
- product [1,2] [[3],[4]];
val it = [[1,3],[1,4],[2,3],[2,4]] : int list list
The main use of this is as a helper function which adds another factor to an existing Cartesian product. The function power
first takes the list and converts it to a "power" with 1 factor in the basis case n = 1 and then subsequently builds up the power using the recursion A^n = A x A^(n-1).
For example,
- power [true,false] 2;
val it = [[true,true],[true,false],[false,true],[false,false]] : bool list list