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Why is this basic Meteor create project command failing?

At the Windows 7 command prompt, I entered "meteor create blogtest" which should create a Meteor project.

I get, though, a Windows Script Host MS JScript runtime error, namely Code 800A1391, "'tern' is undefined" (at line 6, char 3)

Script file implicated is C:\Misc\meteor.js

Subsequently trying "meteor update" gives me the same err msg.

WTH (What The Hec Ramsey)?


Meanwhile, back at the command prompt (after changing the name of the file in C:\Misc from "meteor.js" to "meteor.jsold"), I tried "meteor update" again, just to make sure it would give me a "who or what the heck is meteor?" type of msg.

Instead, it cogitated a good while, tapping its forehead and humming softly to itself, and finally offered:

C:\Misc>meteor update The latest version of Meteor,, is already installed on this computer. Run 'meteor update' inside of a particular project directory to update that project to Meteor

So then I said to myself, "Self, why not try the 'meteor create blogtest' again to see what happens?"

I did; it worked; the project was created and is now running at localhost 3000.



  • On Unix-based systems (Linux/OS X) meteor itself is a shell script (same thing as a Windows batch file). It handles downloading Meteor if it does not exist, then running the main JS file. I presume things work the same way on Windows.