I've got a process which has 7 threads, two of which pull data from a custom-made rest application. I'm using the REST client to pull after getting a token using basic authentication.
Here is the transformation that does all this.
Unfortunately, It only runs in Spoon. I can run the entire parent process in Spoon and get a valid result, however when I tried to automate it by calling Kitchen from a batch script, instead of getting my valid data I get a 400 error saying I have an invalid hostname. I can tell from the logs that I'm using the correct url and even am getting a valid token, however the resulting data is just the 400 error. And this only occurs outside of Spoon, regardless of what permissions I run this under.
This seems like a bug in Kettle, and I'm pursuing a workaround, however any advice is welcome
UPDATE 1: We've established with the recepient server owner that they are not receiving the requests in their IIS logs, so something on our side is killing the requests. Is there a difference in permission levels between kitchen and spoon? We're running both at highest permissions as the admin but still seeing the difference
We tracked it down to a difference in version. The batch file was calling an older version of Kettle while Spoon was using a newer version that corrected this bug