I've read that we can invoke an anonymous function as a variable. However I'm trying to do that and in addition to it I want to access its properties and methods. Here is my code
var cooking = function(){
this.dessert = "Ice Cream";
this.numberOfPortions = 20;
this.doubleLunch = function(){this.numberOfPortions = 40;
But I don't get anything. Can you say me what am I doing wrong? Thanks
is a function. When you call it, it defines a number of properties on whatever this
The structure implies that it is intended to be used as a constructor function, so you would create an instance of it using the new
Then you can interact with the instance.
var meal = new cooking();
NB: Convention dictates that constructor functions (and only constructor functions) should be named starting with a capital first letter, so you should rename it to Cooking.