I am currently using the following library to make inline edits to elements on my page (to cells in my table): https://vitalets.github.io/x-editable/
As can be seen from step 3 in their docs, when a user makes a change, I can update my database immediately.
I'm using Firebase for my database. The original data is sent to Firebase using the push() method -- thus each unique ID a random string of numbers/letters based on a timestamp.
PROBLEM: x-editable requires me to provide a URL to send my edits to but Firebase requires me to use their update() method to make changes to data in the database. Thus, I need to figure out a way to send updates to Firebase using only a URL.
My code below:
// Each cell in my table has an ID; the code immediately below creates the unique ID for each date cell.
var cell01id = snapshot.val().date + '-' + snapshot.val().initials + '-' + snapshot.val().age + '-date';
// cell01id === 08/11/2015-BH-20-date
// after creating the ID, I then use innerHTML to display the data retrieved from firebase. The syntax is taken from x-editable.
// notice [what goes here?] -- this is where I need to pass in a URL so x-editable can make edits.
cell01.innerHTML = '<a href="#" id="' + cell01id + '" data-type="date" data-pk="1" data-url="' + [what goes here?] + '" data-title="Enter date">' + snapshot.val().date + '</a>';
// cell01 === <a href="#08/11/2015-BH-20-date" data-type="date" data-pk="1" data-url="???????" data-title="Enter date">08/11/2015</a>
After attending HackReactor and learning tons more about JS and RESTful APIs, I was able to figure out my problem.
Here is what I was missing.... for starters, I refactored my code so that the logic takes place in the makeEditable function.... I removed the logic from the href.
The url needs to match the data object I needed to update + append '.json' at the end of the URL. Second, I have to make sure my type matches the field (example below is date). Third, contentType in my Ajax callback needs to be 'application/json' and dataType needs to be 'json'.
var makeEditable = function() {
$('#' + cell01id).editable({
url: 'https://fb-uniqueURL.firebaseio.com/entries/' + uniqueID + '.json',
type: 'date',
pk: uniqueID,
title: 'Update Info:',
ajaxOptions: {
contentType: 'application/json',
type: 'patch',
dataType: 'json'
params: function(params) {
var obj = { "date": params.value };
return JSON.stringify(obj)
success: function(response, newValue) {
if (response.status == 'error') {
return response.msg; //msg will be shown in editable form