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Can a jenkins plugin use a different version of a jar than the main jenkins webapp?

I'm working on a Jenkins plugin and including a jar as a dependency - but that jar is already included in the WEB-INF/lib directory of the main Jenkins webapp. This would be fine except my plugin needs version X and Jenkins includes version Y, and the api has changed between them so I can't use the old one, and Jenkins can't use the newer one.

The version I want is included inside my .hpi file but at runtime the version from jenkins/WEB-INF/lib gets picked up. I'm guessing due to classloaders I can't force it to pickup the version in my .hpi file, but wanted to check and see if anyone knows of a way to do this?


Jenkins and plugin lib dirs


  • Per default Jenkins loads every jar from WEB-INF/lib, along with the contents of WEB-INF/classes after the classes and libraries of the core.

    If you want to have your own libaries loaded before these (e.g. you want a newer version of velocity or an other library), you can configure your plugin to use a different classloader strategy by telling the hpi plugin in your pom.xml:


    For more details see the docs.