I want to test a function that calls exit.
Basicly, I have a console application, that asks the user if he is sure that he wants a directory to be overwritten. When the users answers "No", the directory won't be overwritten, and the program should exit.
promptToDeleteRepo() {
bool okToDelete = ...
if(okToDelete) {
} else {
So I want to test that if the user answers "No", that the program really exits. But if I test this, my test runner exits.
In python I seem to be able to do something like:
with pytest.raises(SystemExit):
Is there something like this in Dart?
You can inject a custom exit
function during the tests.
import 'dart:io' as io;
typedef ExitFn(int code);
ExitFn exit = io.exit;
promptToDeleteRepo() {
bool okToDelete = ...
if(okToDelete) {
} else {
and in your test :
int exitCodeUsed;
mylib.exit = (int code) {exitCodeUsed = code};
A better solution whould have to use zones but there doesn't seem to be possible to handle exit
. It could be worth to file an issue.