So, I have a function which reads the result of a query that is used later on the program as it follows:
int combination;
using (SqlCommand com1 = new SqlCommand())
com1.Connection = connection;
com1.CommandText = "select FinalComboId from relationTable where sourceCombo=@source and destinationCombo=@destination";
com1.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@source",combo.ToString() ?? ""));
com1.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@destination", destination ?? ""));
SqlDataReader comboLinkReader = com1.ExecuteReader();
if (!comboLinkReader.Read() || comboLinkReader.FieldCount==0)
ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, GetType(),
"alertMessage", @"alert('Combination does not exists,please contact admin!')", true);
combination = Convert.ToInt32(comboLinkReader["FinalComboId"]);
What I would like to achieve is: if the result is empty, than execute the alert script, else save the result as an integer, that will be used for further calculations. I have followed several tutorials and examples regarding that issue, and when I executed the function the other day, it worked just fine. Now, 2 hours from launching it to production, it does not calculate the first condition:
if (!comboLinkReader.Read() || comboLinkReader.FieldCount==0)
{//calculations here}
I have also tried with
if (!comboLinkReader.Read() || comboLinkReader.IsDbNull(0))
and I have the same problem. The query should return one single value. Is there something that I am doing wrong?
is a method that needs an argument for the column index.
int? finalComboId = null;
if(comboLinkReader.Read() && !comboLinkReader.IsDbNull(0))
finalComboId = comboLinkReader.GetInt32(0);
ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, GetType(), "alertMessage", @"alert('Combination does not exists,please contact admin!')", true);
combination = finalComboId.Value;