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Find hex (windows1252) string within a string and convert it - Javascript

I have a WebSocket that deliver text strings to my page from different services. Some of these strings contain strange characters.

Sometimes i receive strings like:

"stuff stuff %91quoted stuff%92 stuff"

and similar. I found that this specific service send me string in windows-1252 (or CP1252) charset.

Which is the best (and fastest) way, with javascript, to have my all string in UTF-8 or just to convert the hex characters?


  • I decided to answer myself cause there isn't a complete one yet and in the mean time I figured it out. Thanks to @Ciprian for the link to the characters map and thanks to @gre_gor for the suggestion for the replacing function.

    I was not able to find a complete map to copy so i had to merge some of them founded on internet to make my own, I also write down a function to "encode" and I would like to share it in case someone else need it.

    function cp1252_to_utf8(txt) {
    var chars_map = {
        "21": "!", "22": '"', "23": "#", "24": "$", "25": "%", "26": "&", "27": "'", "28": "(", "29": ")", "2a": "*", "2b": "+", "2c": ",",
        "2d": "-", "2e": ".", "2f": "/", "30": "0", "31": "1", "32": "2", "33": "3", "34": "4", "35": "5", "36": "6", "37": "7", "38": "8",
        "39": "9", "3a": ":", "3b": ";", "3c": "<", "3d": "=", "3e": ">", "3f": "?", "40": "@", "41": "A", "42": "B", "43": "C", "44": "D",
        "45": "E", "46": "F", "47": "G", "48": "H", "49": "I", "4a": "J", "4b": "K", "4c": "L", "4d": "M", "4e": "N", "4f": "O", "50": "P",
        "51": "Q", "52": "R", "53": "S", "54": "T", "55": "U", "56": "V", "57": "W", "58": "X", "59": "Y", "5a": "Z", "5b": "[", "5c": "\\",
        "5d": "]", "5e": "^", "5f": "_", "60": "`", "61": "a", "62": "b", "63": "c", "64": "d", "65": "e", "66": "f", "67": "g", "68": "h",
        "69": "i", "6a": "j", "6b": "k", "6c": "l", "6d": "m", "6e": "n", "6f": "o", "70": "p", "71": "q", "72": "r", "73": "s", "74": "t",
        "75": "u", "76": "v", "77": "w", "78": "x", "79": "y", "7a": "z", "7b": "{", "7c": "|", "7d": "}", "7e": "~", "a1": "¡", "a2": "¢",
        "a3": "£", "a4": "¤", "a5": "¥", "a6": "¦", "a7": "§", "a8": "¨", "a9": "©", "aa": "ª", "ab": "«", "ac": "¬", "a0": " ", "ae": "®",
        "af": "¯", "ad": " ", "b0": "°", "b1": "±", "b2": "²", "b3": "³", "b4": "´", "b5": "µ", "b6": "¶", "b7": "·", "b8": "¸", "b9": "¹",
        "ba": "º", "bb": "»", "bc": "¼", "bd": "½", "be": "¾", "bf": "¿", "c0": "À", "c1": "Á", "c2": "Â", "c3": "Ã", "c4": "Ä", "c5": "Å",
        "c6": "Æ", "c7": "Ç", "c8": "È", "c9": "É", "ca": "Ê", "cb": "Ë", "cc": "Ì", "cd": "Í", "ce": "Î", "cf": "Ï", "d0": "Ð", "d1": "Ñ",
        "d2": "Ò", "d3": "Ó", "d4": "Ô", "d5": "Õ", "d6": "Ö", "d7": "×", "d8": "Ø", "d9": "Ù", "da": "Ú", "db": "Û", "dc": "Ü", "dd": "Ý",
        "de": "Þ", "df": "ß", "e0": "à", "e1": "á", "e2": "â", "e3": "ã", "e4": "ä", "e5": "å", "e6": "æ", "e7": "ç", "e8": "è", "e9": "é",
        "ea": "ê", "eb": "ë", "ec": "ì", "ed": "í", "ee": "î", "ef": "ï", "f0": "ð", "f1": "ñ", "f2": "ò", "f3": "ó", "f4": "ô", "f5": "õ",
        "f6": "ö", "f7": "÷", "f8": "ø", "f9": "ù", "fa": "ú", "fb": "û", "fc": "ü", "fd": "ý", "fe": "þ", "ff": "ÿ", "91": "‘", "92": "’",
        "80": "€", "83": "ƒ", "85": "…", "86": "†", "87": "‡", "88": "ˆ", "89": "‰", "8a": "Š", "8b": "‹", "8c": "Œ", "8e": "Ž", "93": "“",
        "94": "”", "95": "•", "96": "–", "97": "—", "98": "˜", "99": "™", "9a": "š", "9b": "›", "9c": "œ", "9e": "ž", "9f": "Ÿ"
    return txt.replace(/%([0-9abcdef]{2})/ig, function (match, code) {
        return chars_map[code];

    It will obviously be used like:

    var utf8_txt = cp1252_to_utf8(cp1552_txt);

    I hope it will be usefull for someone