I've built a destructible terrain in libgdx and box2d and now I want to render the remaining (non destructed) terrain from a texture. Each time a box2d body is affected by an "explosion" (a part of the terrain is removed) the body is removed and remade with the new Polygon(s). I thought libgdx's PolygonSprite would be a perfect fit for this task but I've been having problems with it.
In this example I'm creating a "U" in the terrain with circular "explosions".
This code works perfectly fine:
protected Body createBody(Polygon inputPolygon) {
//Later in the render method
sr.setProjectionMatrix(cameraMatrix); //ShapeRenderer sr = new ShapeRenderer();
Array<Body> bodies = new Array<Body>();
for (Body b : bodies) {
sr.polygon((float[]) b.getUserData());
And produces something like this:
When I try to render the "terrain" with a texture through PolygonSprites (or PolygonRegions) like this:
protected Body createBody(Polygon inputPolygon) {
//triangulator is a EarClippingTriangulator
ShortArray indices = triangulator.computeTriangles(inputPolygon.getVertices());
//The TextureRegion is 100x40 px and the inputPolygon represents a part of this texture (the vertices/coordinates are
//in the same scale, so an inputPolygon with the vertices (0, 0 100, 0 100, 40, 0, 40) would represent the whole TextureRegion.
PolygonSprite polygonSprite = new PolygonSprite(new PolygonRegion(terrainTexture, inputPolygon.getVertices(), indices.items));
polygonSprite.setOrigin(0, 0);
//Later in the render method
Array<Body> bodies = new Array<Body>();
for (Body b : bodies) {
//Yes the screen is cleared correctly before, the batch is a
//PolygonSpriteBatch, the batch is started with begin() and end()
//and the projection matrix is set correctly.
((PolygonSprite) b.getUserData()).draw(batch);
I end up with weird, inconsistent and glitchy results like this:
...Or like this:
JavaDoc of EarClippingTriangulator.computeTriangles() says:
Note the returned array is reused for later calls to the same method.
So you probably want to copy the indices before passing them to PolygonRegion.