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overload assignment operator for template class

I am trying to overload operator=(), but I am getting error: no viable overloaded '='. But I don't understand why. What am I missing here? I tired following the answers in Overloading assignment operator in a class template that can cast to another template type but there people say to give the template arguments of the return type a new type... ? That leads to the compiler complaining about an unknown type for me.

template<typename T, typename P>
class SomeClass


    SomeClass<T, P> operator=(SomeClass<T, P>& src)
        if (this != &src)
            for (int i = 0; i < src.vectorfield.size(); ++i)
                vectorfield[i] = src.vectorfield[i];
        return *this;


    std::vector<std::vector<std::string>> vectorfield;

template<typename SC>
class SomeOtherClass


    typedef SC someclass_type;

    void func()
       sc = someclass_type();

    someclass_type sc;

int main()

    typedef SomeClass<int, int> SCII;
    typedef SomeOtherClass<SCII> SOC_scii;

    SOC_scii soc_scii;



  • To work with temporaries, like in

       sc = someclass_type();

    the parameter to the assignment operator should be a const reference.

    SomeClass<T, P>& operator=(const SomeClass<T, P>& src)
                   ^           ^^^^^

    The assignment operator also generally returns are reference to the assigned object (so it can be used in chained assignments like a = b = c;). Returning by value would create an additional copy, which we probably don't want.