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Extjs buffered store loads all new added items

I am trying to use Ext's (4.1.1) buffered store/grid combination with data, which I cannot access directly through a rest Api.. or so, but the incoming data is handled by my controller and want just add this data to the buffered grid.

And here comes the problem, when I load 500 items directly to the store, the buffering is working.. Only items which I can see gets rendered, but when I start to store.add(items) then they all gets automatically rendered..

So this is my store & grid:

Store = Ext.create('', {
    storeId: 'reportDataStore',
    fields: [
        { name: 'html'}
    buffered: true,
    pageSize: 100,
    autoLoad: true


      xtype: 'gridpanel',
      flex: 1,
      hideHeaders: true,
      verticalScroller: {
          rowHeight: 43
      disableSelection: true,
      columns: [
          { header: '', dataIndex: 'html', flex: 1 }

Data Controller

// somewhere in initialization process of the controller, 
// I take the reportDataStore, for later reusing
    this.reportDataStore = Ext.getStore('reportDataStore');
onNewData: function(data) {

So my expectation was, that data will get into the store, but only the visible data will get rendered.. Now it is so, that all new data gets rendered.


  • I wasn't able to produce a working example with the code you give, but I've got something close... How did you even manage to add records to a buffered store backed by a memory proxy?

    You should try to push your new data to the proxy directly, and then reload the store, like so:;
    // should probably have been a call to reload(), but then the loading never ends...
        callback: function() {

    See this fiddle that tries to reproduce your setup.