I have an alright knowledge of angularjs but I am more of a R programmer and I have therefore being experimenting with OpenCPU js library.
One thing I can't get my head around is why I can't assign the output from a simple API request to the public OpenCPU server, rnorm(n = 2) function, to an angular $scope. What baffles me is that I can use jquery to assign the returned json via ID for example.
From what I understand it is best practice not to mix jquery into the angular controller. Am I right in thinking this?
Working with Jquery
app.controller('rCtrl', function($scope){
req = ocpu.rpc('rnorm',{
n : 2
}, function(output){$('#output').text(output)});
Not Working $scope
app.controller('rCtrl', function($scope){
req = ocpu.rpc('rnorm',{
n : 2
}, function(output){$scope.normalValues = output)});
Since you are using a non-angular tool you are assigning $scope.normalValues outside of the Angular digest loop. Use a $scope.apply() to fix this:
app.controller('rCtrl', function($scope){
req = ocpu.rpc('rnorm',{
n : 2
}, function(output){
$scope.normalValues = output;
You can also just call $scope.$apply() right after you set your scope value but I personally like the callback syntax since it makes it easier to see why you use it.