I just installed e(fx)clipse (an JavaFX plugin for Eclipse) for Eclipse Mars, and even though I followed the install instructions to a T, there are no signs that it was ever installed; save for it being listed in Eclipse's installed plugins.
I followed these instructions carefully, and managed to have it successfully install. The next tutorial though says to use the wizard to create a new JavaFX project, but that option isn't available! If I type "JavaFX" (or any abbreviated form) into the search bar, nothing comes up. It also doesn't have any settings in the preferences which I don't think is right. Lastly, the main reason I installed the plugin was to use the JavaFX docs, but those aren't working either.
I already uninstalled the plugins, the Eclipse, then reinstalled them both, but that didn't help. I don't where to go from here given as far as Eclipse is concerned, it was installed properly, so I'm not getting any errors to work with.
You can find out about the state of the plugin by opening the "Console"-View select the "Host OSGi-Console" (at the far right dropdown) and enter "ss org.eclipse.fx" this should list all e(fx)clipse bundles.
You can then post to https://www.eclipse.org/forums/index.php/f/259/ asking for help. BTW there's also an All-In-One Download at http://efxclipse.bestsolution.at/install.html - it's not been updated to 4.5.1 but I'll try to get that done in the next few days.