How do you make a link which you can email to users to confirm their email address is clicked in JSF? i.e. once they click on the link their account will be activated.
Assuming you're already on JSF 2.0, you could grab @ManagedProperty
and @PostConstruct
public class Activation {
private String key;
private boolean valid;
public void init() {
valid = check(key); // And auto-login if valid?
// ...
and then in JSF which is accessed by
<h:panelGroup layout="block" rendered="#{activation.valid}">
<p>Your account is successfully activated!</p>
<p><h:link outcome="home">Go to home page</h:link></p>
<h:panelGroup layout="block" rendered="#{!activation.valid}">
<p>Activation failed! Please enter your email address to try once again.</p>