I created a program which needs administrator privileges to be executed (in this program I am using a port which is <1024).
So I use this command to execute:
sudo java -jar example.jar
In my program I try to create a folder in this path:
Paths.get("/home/" + System.getProperty("user.name"))
The problem is that System.getProperty("user.name") answers with "root" and so my new directory is in "/home/root/", but I want it in "/home/my_username".
My question is: how can I discover my username and then create the new folder in the right path?
If you do
sudo whoami
it responds with
however if I do
sudo bash -c 'echo $SUDO_USER'
I get
You do this from Java with
String user = System.getenv("SUDO_USER");
if (user == null)
user = System.getProperty("user.name");