I have a boolean isActive that returns TRUE or FALSE
field: "isActive",
title: "Status",
width: 90
I've managed to make this work and in the grid it will show 'true' or 'false'. However I want to make it if its true, change field to A and if false change title to B. How can I do this?
EDIT: This is how they are written usually (field,title, width, template etc). IsActive is a boolean, and I want it to perform a check (if isActive = true, return A. Not sure how to explain it. Currently it its displaying the boolean value (true/false) and I want it to display Active/Inactive in the grid. Sorry for the confusion, the title will remained unchanged
You can use a column template function (http://docs.telerik.com/kendo-ui/api/javascript/ui/grid#configuration-columns.template):
{ field: "isActive",
template: function(dataItem){
return dataItem.isActive ? "Active" : "Inactive";