I have a sortable div (#sortable
) with elements (.draggable
) inside it. In there, when I sort elements from bottom to up, the elements can easily be sorted by dragging up and I don't have to drag much to the top. But when sorting elements from up to bottom, I have to drag the element far below then wanted. Is there any way to control the sorting of elements, so that even if I drag just a little bit up/below and not all the way up/down it will display the placeholder to place the element respectively?
Demo at codepen.
$('#content #sortable').sortable({
handle: '.drag_handle',
placeholder: "ui-state-highlight",
axis: "y"
$('#blocks .draggable').draggable({
helper: "clone",
revert: "invalid",
connectToSortable: '#content #sortable'
Sorting upwards
Sorting upwards is easy as I don't have to drag the element all the way up above the element I want to sort with.
Sorting downwards
Sorting downwards is difficult as I have to drag the element all the way down below the element I want to sort with.
Just change the tolerance
option of the sortable API to "pointer"
. This option will make the draggable considered to be on the placeholder when the cursor is over it (what you need right now) instead of wait until over 50% of the element is overlapping the placeholder. This was why you had to scroll way too far down in order to sort it.
$('#content #sortable').sortable({
handle: '.drag_handle',
placeholder: "ui-state-highlight",
tolerance: "pointer"
Here is the updated CodePen